Dennis Johnson

Stewardship and Transition Principles

Dennis earned his Social Work degree from Taylor University after completing the research, site immersion and Capstone Thesis focused on power and poverty structures on the south side of Chicago. Having a passion for young people and human development, he continued his work in adventure-based youth ministry taking groups across the US riding bicycles, rock/snow and ice climbing, whitewater trips and teaching wilderness leadership skills. This continued as a passion for wilderness adventure which motivated him to climb Mt Denali, Mt Assiniboine, and Mt. Robson.

He started his first business in construction in 1976, but quickly transitioned into education getting his MA Degree in Communications and Organizational Development. Student Development provided a good environment to blend his social work, teaching and educational training. He received the “Administrator of the Year” award while as the Dean of Students at Spring Arbor College.

An opportunity to transition into business came at Zondervan Corporation to be part of a turnaround team and apply his graduated studies in organizational development. That evolved into leading the effort to consolidate all of Zondervan’s Grand Rapids business units one corporate distribution facility. Eventually, when Harper Collins purchased bought out Zondervan, Dennis was also assigned a new roll of VP of Store Development heading up their new national initiative of growing Family Christian Stores.

Dennis left Zondervan to start Corporate Connections, Inc, a consulting business which focused on the application of technology to improve customer service, leadership development and organizational health. This led to several long-term relationships to manage the changes outlined in strategic planning. It also led to work in the late 1990’s on an Internet IPO call “Artibles”.  

When an investor wanted to invest a large amount of money into Charter Schools, Dennis was asked to be part of the real estate development team at Bouma Corporation. As Director of Pre-Construction, Dennis set up the department “Team Leader” position to facilitate communications and project management between the educational and construction worlds. In time he became the Chief Marketing Officer and focused on developing the Bouma Way and Bouma Brand and positioned Bouma to be part of the Green Sustainable School Movement in California.

After 2009, Dennis focused his consulting business, Corporate Connections on small start-up ventures, new product development, executive coaching, and corporate transitions. The focus is on the relevant business trends and forces which will impact the 21st Century organization and the key factors necessary in creating a high performance and sustainable business enterprise.

Dennis has served as a Board Member on 6 urban boards and helped start 3 different urban ministries. In addition, he has served on the “Center for Innovation and Research” at Taylor University and was a founding member of the “International Facilities Management Association”.

Today, his focus is on “developing wealth within poor urban communities”, developing young urban leaders to “make a difference” and teaching Stewardship and Transition Principles to business owners wanting to manage change and transition into a more balanced life.

Other Board Members

Hannah Rohn

Strategy and Storytelling


Diane R. Maher

President & COO, DP Fox Ventures and President & COO, Fox Motor Group


Scott Vogel

Chief Operating Officer


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